Milton Mowrer letters to sister Ellen Miller Mowrer, 1866-1868
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2 have but if I would drive I could one horse or the two horse carriage I [takeing?] the one horse. Miss B J [Milto?] and myself. Started they have every thing very nice around them. Isaac says next fall he will see the Chester country. I ask Mrs Root if she would go west [Yes?] If [Lucky?] would go then I ask Miss B if she would. Oh yes I would be ready to start to morrow ther is some very plains hints put to me but I am very ignorant, well Sister I have seen Samuel Mower folks Ther is a pretty large family of them Samuel would like to go west but he is afraid to start but he says that if it was may when I was going back he would go along with me. I think that he will be out next summer
2 have but if I would drive I could one horse or the two horse carriage I [takeing?] the one horse. Miss B J [Milto?] and myself. Started they have every thing very nice around them. Isaac says next fall he will see the Chester country. I ask Mrs Root if she would go west [Yes?] If [Lucky?] would go then I ask Miss B if she would. Oh yes I would be ready to start to morrow ther is some very plains hints put to me but I am very ignorant, well Sister I have seen Samuel Mower folks Ther is a pretty large family of them Samuel would like to go west but he is afraid to start but he says that if it was may when I was going back he would go along with me. I think that he will be out next summer
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries