Milton Mowrer letters to sister Ellen Miller Mowrer, 1866-1868
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things change frequently, well we should not be surprised, for Dr Cummings predicts the world will come to an end in 1867, when even Gabriel will be surprised at the manifold confessions that will be made. If old Mrs. says you (undoubtedly meaning the Grove) have at last got rid of that L... where has she "migrated". or don't she migrate. I do not suppose Williams corresponds with her, unless since I left Iowa City, but he was taking a decided liking to Miss Midgett of Iowa City, who appeared to be a fine young lady. Sister I suppose you have received Jane's letter, she sent one some time ago with her photograph enclosed. I have not seen any of these sent you, but some that was taken last summer was splendid. She laughed at the funny appearance of that last Photograph you sent that would not give it up, she promised not to put it in her album. Oh, Ellen, I would like to see you and have
things change frequently, well we should not be surprised, for Dr Cummings predicts the world will come to an end in 1867, when even Gabriel will be surprised at the manifold confessions that will be made. If old Mrs. says you (undoubtedly meaning the Grove) have at last got rid of that L... where has she "migrated". or don't she migrate. I do not suppose Williams corresponds with her, unless since I left Iowa City, but he was taking a decided liking to Miss Midgett of Iowa City, who appeared to be a fine young lady. Sister I suppose you have received Jane's letter, she sent one some time ago with her photograph enclosed. I have not seen any of these sent you, but some that was taken last summer was splendid. She laughed at the funny appearance of that last Photograph you sent that would not give it up, she promised not to put it in her album. Oh, Ellen, I would like to see you and have
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries