Milton Mowrer letters to sister Ellen Miller Mowrer, 1866-1868
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One day as I was going to the lectures walking rather fast, a large brick had whirled past my head, and on looking back saw a darkey looking for stones some little boys were snowballing him, he got so angry so he thought he'd knock over a white man that was a little back of me, I just felt like knocking him over, you don't belive how impudent they are, no decent fellow ever thinks of going down below south street, I went once last week, and that satisfied me. Now, don't think I joking, for I am in earnest I send you Sallie's Photographs. I think of is very good likeness, you will excuse me for putting in Chatham's letter but it is the only large envelope I have now please write soon, I have not received a letter from you for some three weeks, Your affectionate Brother Milton To his Sister Ellen
One day as I was going to the lectures walking rather fast, a large brick had whirled past my head, and on looking back saw a darkey looking for stones some little boys were snowballing him, he got so angry so he thought he'd knock over a white man that was a little back of me, I just felt like knocking him over, you don't belive how impudent they are, no decent fellow ever thinks of going down below south street, I went once last week, and that satisfied me. Now, don't think I joking, for I am in earnest I send you Sallie's Photographs. I think of is very good likeness, you will excuse me for putting in Chatham's letter but it is the only large envelope I have now please write soon, I have not received a letter from you for some three weeks, Your affectionate Brother Milton To his Sister Ellen
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries