Milton Mowrer letters to sister Ellen Miller Mowrer, 1866-1868
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about the place, you know this makes the girls so cross, she jump over anything to answer the summons of the door bell, When my Preceptor came to see me, who is a bachelor, she would try to answer the bell, but Aunt always forestalled the old thing. When I was sick I could not touch anything she brought me, I told aunt I would throw the victuals after her if she brought any up to me. She is very good to me, always keeps my dinner warm, for I generally do not come home until two or three O'clock, but then my appetite is not like when I was at home. I guess when I come home again I shall bring some extra candy and some oranges for Beckie, why she must nearly grown out of Jeans dress by this time, I guess she is to big to "[goouk?]" anymore. I don't suppose there is much danger of me becoming so attached to the city as not to come to the land of prairie again unless I can obtain some good situation
about the place, you know this makes the girls so cross, she jump over anything to answer the summons of the door bell, When my Preceptor came to see me, who is a bachelor, she would try to answer the bell, but Aunt always forestalled the old thing. When I was sick I could not touch anything she brought me, I told aunt I would throw the victuals after her if she brought any up to me. She is very good to me, always keeps my dinner warm, for I generally do not come home until two or three O'clock, but then my appetite is not like when I was at home. I guess when I come home again I shall bring some extra candy and some oranges for Beckie, why she must nearly grown out of Jeans dress by this time, I guess she is to big to "[goouk?]" anymore. I don't suppose there is much danger of me becoming so attached to the city as not to come to the land of prairie again unless I can obtain some good situation
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries