Milton Mowrer letters to sister Ellen Miller Mowrer, 1866-1868
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especially live in this manner, warrant their goods or money refunded. Ellen, you spoke of albums, I am [so one?] of the finest albums sell at Avetion for $1,2,3,84, but they were handsome double claps, inlaid with pearls, in one of the auctions stores on Chestnut street there are thousands and thousands of them for auction, I can get one some time when I stop in I pass the place every day, It is a little warmer today, but it seems more like April than May. Well, Ellen if you go to Boonstone this summer I want you to have some more Photographs taken & send me one, I had none taken in the city, nor I do, nor expect to, because if I have none I cannot give any away, I hope this will find you all well, so no more at present, if you get the measles do not put on me for sending them because I am not now under their influence, I hope in a few days my eyes will be strong enough for me to study again. From Your Brother Milton
especially live in this manner, warrant their goods or money refunded. Ellen, you spoke of albums, I am [so one?] of the finest albums sell at Avetion for $1,2,3,84, but they were handsome double claps, inlaid with pearls, in one of the auctions stores on Chestnut street there are thousands and thousands of them for auction, I can get one some time when I stop in I pass the place every day, It is a little warmer today, but it seems more like April than May. Well, Ellen if you go to Boonstone this summer I want you to have some more Photographs taken & send me one, I had none taken in the city, nor I do, nor expect to, because if I have none I cannot give any away, I hope this will find you all well, so no more at present, if you get the measles do not put on me for sending them because I am not now under their influence, I hope in a few days my eyes will be strong enough for me to study again. From Your Brother Milton
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries