Milton Mowrer letters to sister Ellen Miller Mowrer, 1866-1868
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quite disagreeable last week with three heavy frosts - and now the leaves in the Squares and Parks are fast turning yellow and are falling from the trees - The fruit is very scarce this fall especially peaches - they were and are from three and four dollars per basket - and then not those fine large peaches we were accustomed to in Chester Co = Apples are brought chiefly from N.Y. State = Ellie you will excuse brevity and write soon Your Affectionate brother Milton To his Sister To his Ellie
quite disagreeable last week with three heavy frosts - and now the leaves in the Squares and Parks are fast turning yellow and are falling from the trees - The fruit is very scarce this fall especially peaches - they were and are from three and four dollars per basket - and then not those fine large peaches we were accustomed to in Chester Co = Apples are brought chiefly from N.Y. State = Ellie you will excuse brevity and write soon Your Affectionate brother Milton To his Sister To his Ellie
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries