Milton Mowrer letters to sister Ellen Miller Mowrer, 1866-1868
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North West Cor. 15th Aret April 2 of 68 Sister Ellie: Your Kind letter was received this morning with a great deal of pleasure – I also got one from brother Nathan – was glad to hear that you all keep in good health – my health is very good at present – the weather this month has been delightful. Yesterday was the most pleasant day of the spring. It was so welcome after three weeks of continual cloudy, damp, and snowy days. I could not help but look at the pretty promendaders that is for a change you know. one will get tired of the monotony of printers ink. I sent you a letter about my leaving Aunt Ellen's she could not say anything because I could not run her establishments – [illegible] called me from there – of course. I was sorry to leave - and when I am in that part of the city I stop in the store to see her. She cends me all her influences – Ellie I am glad you have got some preachers who are not [illegible] So speak forth the gospel truths. My favorite Minister here is Mc'Clelland quite a young man. his looks is devout - and his words to me are like apples of gold. Methodistical in doctrine, Last Sunday night his text was. I that I might see him for Poor Mrs. Murphy cannot help but pity her - hope she may be spared to her family. Mrs. Dremer and [illegible] came down to Mrs. Harries yesterday to see me but failed for a good reason. think they will call here today. Beckie Posey Hieffe is really angry at Billy for not calling, and seeing her - next time he'll not get off so easily was obliged to tell some sorces at least to stretch the truth as far as possible - among some of his friends
North West Cor. 15th Aret April 2 of 68 Sister Ellie: Your Kind letter was received this morning with a great deal of pleasure – I also got one from brother Nathan – was glad to hear that you all keep in good health – my health is very good at present – the weather this month has been delightful. Yesterday was the most pleasant day of the spring. It was so welcome after three weeks of continual cloudy, damp, and snowy days. I could not help but look at the pretty promendaders that is for a change you know. one will get tired of the monotony of printers ink. I sent you a letter about my leaving Aunt Ellen's she could not say anything because I could not run her establishments – [illegible] called me from there – of course. I was sorry to leave - and when I am in that part of the city I stop in the store to see her. She cends me all her influences – Ellie I am glad you have got some preachers who are not [illegible] So speak forth the gospel truths. My favorite Minister here is Mc'Clelland quite a young man. his looks is devout - and his words to me are like apples of gold. Methodistical in doctrine, Last Sunday night his text was. I that I might see him for Poor Mrs. Murphy cannot help but pity her - hope she may be spared to her family. Mrs. Dremer and [illegible] came down to Mrs. Harries yesterday to see me but failed for a good reason. think they will call here today. Beckie Posey Hieffe is really angry at Billy for not calling, and seeing her - next time he'll not get off so easily was obliged to tell some sorces at least to stretch the truth as far as possible - among some of his friends
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries