English household, medical, and cookery receipt book
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Whitney Rodgers Rhumatism. If not [attended?] with fever Lot 30 drops of [valatide?] Tincture of [illegible] -[illegible] be taken every 3 hours day and night Drop it on sugar [dffuse?] the sugar in milk or Tea and drink it and let the following [illegible] be [illegible] in [illegible] to the place where the pain seems to be [fisced?] [illegible] The [illegible] [should?] [illegible] [illegible] But if the Rhematism is [attend] with fever and teh joints swell then give the following Medicine immidiatley and apply plasters of [illegible] [warm?] to the pained parts Let the [illegible] be [illegible] an [illegible] proper and change twice a day. The [liniment?] mentioned above is made of the following ingreadiants Take simple Balsom of sulpher one [illegible] oil of amber and Honey of each half an ounce And spirit of [illegible] [illegible] one ounce mix the [whole? ] together Rub it in [illegible] [with?] the hand and cover the place with warm flannel or brown paper The Medicine to be taken [immediatley?] when there is a fever is made [illegible] [illegible] of [illegible] [illegible] 20 drops in a little Tea every three hour. Another Liniment for the same take molassus commonly (called treacle) [illegible] mix them well toghether Spread it on brown paper or glove leather and apply it warm to the afflicted part Or roast on bake Onions unitll it is all [illegible] for thsi and also for [illegible] or [illegible] and also to [illegible] or [illegible] gatherings of any kind in man or beast
Whitney Rodgers Rhumatism. If not [attended?] with fever Lot 30 drops of [valatide?] Tincture of [illegible] -[illegible] be taken every 3 hours day and night Drop it on sugar [dffuse?] the sugar in milk or Tea and drink it and let the following [illegible] be [illegible] in [illegible] to the place where the pain seems to be [fisced?] [illegible] The [illegible] [should?] [illegible] [illegible] But if the Rhematism is [attend] with fever and teh joints swell then give the following Medicine immidiatley and apply plasters of [illegible] [warm?] to the pained parts Let the [illegible] be [illegible] an [illegible] proper and change twice a day. The [liniment?] mentioned above is made of the following ingreadiants Take simple Balsom of sulpher one [illegible] oil of amber and Honey of each half an ounce And spirit of [illegible] [illegible] one ounce mix the [whole? ] together Rub it in [illegible] [with?] the hand and cover the place with warm flannel or brown paper The Medicine to be taken [immediatley?] when there is a fever is made [illegible] [illegible] of [illegible] [illegible] 20 drops in a little Tea every three hour. Another Liniment for the same take molassus commonly (called treacle) [illegible] mix them well toghether Spread it on brown paper or glove leather and apply it warm to the afflicted part Or roast on bake Onions unitll it is all [illegible] for thsi and also for [illegible] or [illegible] and also to [illegible] or [illegible] gatherings of any kind in man or beast
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks