Susan Gilbert's late nineteenth century British cookery manuscript
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of Butter melted therein, mix it together in a pan over the fire, stirring it with your hands till it is very smooth and hot, then put it in a hoop with a paper buttered at the bottom. Mrs. Garnham Iceeing a Butter Cake Beat 1 lb of loaf sugar, and put to it the whites of 4 eggs, put 1 at a time, and a spoonful of Honey Water, beat them in a basin with a silver spoon, till it is very light and White. Mrs. Crickmer 1848. A Seed Cake. 3 lbs of small carraway seeds or comforts 6 lbs of Flour, 1/2 lb Moist sugar, 1 oz of spice rubbed in very fine, 1 lb of Butter, Make a hole in the flour, and put in 3 pints of yeast, 1/2 a pint of sack, a little honey water and 1 pint of warm Milk mixed together, then strew a little therein and let it be to rise, put it in a hoop, and strew on it double refined sugar, and rough cherry comforts and bake it. Mrs. Crickmer
of Butter melted therein, mix it together in a pan over the fire, stirring it with your hands till it is very smooth and hot, then put it in a hoop with a paper buttered at the bottom. Mrs. Garnham Iceeing a Butter Cake Beat 1 lb of loaf sugar, and put to it the whites of 4 eggs, put 1 at a time, and a spoonful of Honey Water, beat them in a basin with a silver spoon, till it is very light and White. Mrs. Crickmer 1848. A Seed Cake. 3 lbs of small carraway seeds or comforts 6 lbs of Flour, 1/2 lb Moist sugar, 1 oz of spice rubbed in very fine, 1 lb of Butter, Make a hole in the flour, and put in 3 pints of yeast, 1/2 a pint of sack, a little honey water and 1 pint of warm Milk mixed together, then strew a little therein and let it be to rise, put it in a hoop, and strew on it double refined sugar, and rough cherry comforts and bake it. Mrs. Crickmer
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks