Susan Gilbert's late nineteenth century British cookery manuscript
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To boil a Salmon Salmon requires to be well boiled, a piece not very thick will take 1/2 an hour. Boil horse-raddish with it in the water. For sauce melt some butter plain, and some other with anchovey. Garnish your dish with horse-raddish mixed with slices of lemon. Parsnip Wine Hollow Crown Parsnips 3 lbs of Parsnips, 1 gallon of water, 2 1/2 lbs moist sugar. The Parsnips to be boiled in water till quite soft, then strained and then boil the sugar with the liquor 20 minutes, work it as you do Beer. Susan Gilbert. Currant Sauce Boil 1 oz of Currants in 1/2 pint of water a few minutes, then add a tea-cup full of bread crumbs 6 cloves, a little rough Wine, and a bit of butter, stir it till the white is smooth.
To boil a Salmon Salmon requires to be well boiled, a piece not very thick will take 1/2 an hour. Boil horse-raddish with it in the water. For sauce melt some butter plain, and some other with anchovey. Garnish your dish with horse-raddish mixed with slices of lemon. Parsnip Wine Hollow Crown Parsnips 3 lbs of Parsnips, 1 gallon of water, 2 1/2 lbs moist sugar. The Parsnips to be boiled in water till quite soft, then strained and then boil the sugar with the liquor 20 minutes, work it as you do Beer. Susan Gilbert. Currant Sauce Boil 1 oz of Currants in 1/2 pint of water a few minutes, then add a tea-cup full of bread crumbs 6 cloves, a little rough Wine, and a bit of butter, stir it till the white is smooth.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks