Susan Gilbert's late nineteenth century British cookery manuscript
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Calves-foot-Jelly. Take a gang of Calf's feet well cleaned, put them in a pan with 4 quarts of water & 1/2 an oz of Isinglass boil it till reduced to less than half the quantity, put a straining cloth over a clean earthen jar and pour it in, when cold take off the fat, add to the jelly the juice of 4 or 5 lemons, sweeten it to your taste, when warm put in the whites or 4 or 5 eggs well beaten & let it boil about 10 min. Strain it thro' a Jelly bag, while running in the basin keep pouring it back gently until quite clear & bright If you like you may add about 1/2 a pint of white rhenish wine. J H. says, Sherry is much better Calves-feet Flummery Take a gang of Feet, 6 pints of water, one pint of cream 2 ozs almonds beat fine & a little orange flower water Boil the water & feet to one quart and strain it off, then boil the cream, let it stand till cold, melt your jelly and sweeten it to your taste, just before you strain it thro' a Jelly-bag put in the cream & keep stirring one way till it begins to thicken, before you put it into cups throw in your almonds and wet the cups to make it turn out
Calves-foot-Jelly. Take a gang of Calf's feet well cleaned, put them in a pan with 4 quarts of water & 1/2 an oz of Isinglass boil it till reduced to less than half the quantity, put a straining cloth over a clean earthen jar and pour it in, when cold take off the fat, add to the jelly the juice of 4 or 5 lemons, sweeten it to your taste, when warm put in the whites or 4 or 5 eggs well beaten & let it boil about 10 min. Strain it thro' a Jelly bag, while running in the basin keep pouring it back gently until quite clear & bright If you like you may add about 1/2 a pint of white rhenish wine. J H. says, Sherry is much better Calves-feet Flummery Take a gang of Feet, 6 pints of water, one pint of cream 2 ozs almonds beat fine & a little orange flower water Boil the water & feet to one quart and strain it off, then boil the cream, let it stand till cold, melt your jelly and sweeten it to your taste, just before you strain it thro' a Jelly-bag put in the cream & keep stirring one way till it begins to thicken, before you put it into cups throw in your almonds and wet the cups to make it turn out
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks