English cookbook, 1600s
Page 56
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the lips of your dish with colde paste or puff paste and bake it in an ordinary hot oven To make a blood pudding Take good blood and strain it and put thre mutchkines of it into a dish with two mutchkines of sweet cream then take the in meat of a mamshot and great it finly with some sweet beaf cut into very small pieces and the yolks of fyve or six eggs and some salt and some sweet herbs weel shorn and some time and a few currans and mix all these together untill they come to a consistance and fill your puddings therewith.
the lips of your dish with colde paste or puff paste and bake it in an ordinary hot oven To make a blood pudding Take good blood and strain it and put thre mutchkines of it into a dish with two mutchkines of sweet cream then take the in meat of a mamshot and great it finly with some sweet beaf cut into very small pieces and the yolks of fyve or six eggs and some salt and some sweet herbs weel shorn and some time and a few currans and mix all these together untill they come to a consistance and fill your puddings therewith.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks