English cookbook, 1600s
Page 68
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And parboyl it and add to ye water you boyl it in a sprig or two of hysop or time and let it stand therein six hours then take it out and put it into your pasty pan and when it is about halfe baken take it out and put in to claret wine and melted butter and some clovs and mace and some rose mary finly beaten To make a chesnute pye Take your chesnuts and boyl them in water and take away all their skins then cut them into slices
And parboyl it and add to ye water you boyl it in a sprig or two of hysop or time and let it stand therein six hours then take it out and put it into your pasty pan and when it is about halfe baken take it out and put in to claret wine and melted butter and some clovs and mace and some rose mary finly beaten To make a chesnute pye Take your chesnuts and boyl them in water and take away all their skins then cut them into slices
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks