English cookbook, 1600s
Page 109
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them into a marble or woden morter and take thrice the weight of them of sugar and beat your roses in the morter and when you ar beating them put in now and then some of your suggar and when all your suggar is in and they beaten enough and come to the consistance of a conserve put it into your pot and stir it about every day for the space of fourteen days and the longer you let it stand it will grow the better and after this maner you may make a conserve of any other sort of flours and if you have not a mind to keep it
them into a marble or woden morter and take thrice the weight of them of sugar and beat your roses in the morter and when you ar beating them put in now and then some of your suggar and when all your suggar is in and they beaten enough and come to the consistance of a conserve put it into your pot and stir it about every day for the space of fourteen days and the longer you let it stand it will grow the better and after this maner you may make a conserve of any other sort of flours and if you have not a mind to keep it
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks