Ida Chamness letters, 1910-1922
1912-04-28 Page 7
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-7- truth that no other person ever did. Ida, I realize I was wandering like a lamb without a shepherd before I met thee. Now I feel safe, and if it be God's will I would be happy to breathe my last breath of life, and bid a sweet farewell to all behind, with a future prospect to meet all of the redeemed of the earth and church of the first born, to praise God forever and forever. Ida, I shed tears for thee at times, so near my heart thou art. Give my love to all of thy sweet family, Thy friend, Joel.
-7- truth that no other person ever did. Ida, I realize I was wandering like a lamb without a shepherd before I met thee. Now I feel safe, and if it be God's will I would be happy to breathe my last breath of life, and bid a sweet farewell to all behind, with a future prospect to meet all of the redeemed of the earth and church of the first born, to praise God forever and forever. Ida, I shed tears for thee at times, so near my heart thou art. Give my love to all of thy sweet family, Thy friend, Joel.
Pioneer Lives