Ida Chamness letters, 1910-1922
1912-07-09 -- 1912-07-10 Page 15
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-15- in rows on the green grass. I arose to speak and began with: "We read in the Scriptures of truth, 'while the shepherds were abiding in the field, keeping watch over the flock by night the angel of the Lord appeared unto them and the glory of the Lord shone round about them, and they were sore afraid, and they proclaimed saying, "Behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. There is born unto you this day in the city of David, a Saviour which is Christ the Lord'" etc. Ida interpreted for me, there were more than 1000 people there; and all deeply interested. Ida then spoke. I thought it was the prettiest scenery to preach to that I ever saw! When the meeting broke up many handshakes were given; and good wishes expressed for us. Then we drove to our quarters feeling great peace; and well paid for such crowning meetings. Seventh month, 10th. We left Stavanger for Warland. Staid over night and had a nice religious meeting with the family. Then we went to Hegem over rock roads. We had to carry Ida a part of the way on a stick between us. We had a large and good meeting.
-15- in rows on the green grass. I arose to speak and began with: "We read in the Scriptures of truth, 'while the shepherds were abiding in the field, keeping watch over the flock by night the angel of the Lord appeared unto them and the glory of the Lord shone round about them, and they were sore afraid, and they proclaimed saying, "Behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. There is born unto you this day in the city of David, a Saviour which is Christ the Lord'" etc. Ida interpreted for me, there were more than 1000 people there; and all deeply interested. Ida then spoke. I thought it was the prettiest scenery to preach to that I ever saw! When the meeting broke up many handshakes were given; and good wishes expressed for us. Then we drove to our quarters feeling great peace; and well paid for such crowning meetings. Seventh month, 10th. We left Stavanger for Warland. Staid over night and had a nice religious meeting with the family. Then we went to Hegem over rock roads. We had to carry Ida a part of the way on a stick between us. We had a large and good meeting.
Pioneer Lives