Ida Chamness letters, 1910-1922
1912-09-02 Page 37
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-37- We took our seats near the appointed time. The house was soon nearly filled. I was led soon to speak on unbelief etc. I spoke for quite awhile; the life flowed freely. I told them I had a living call to England; and also to other parts of the British Isles, in the love of the gospel. That I came not for their silver or gold, nor for their houses or lands etc. But in love to them and their never dying souls: was my motive. Soon after I took my eat Ida arose; and took up the same subject in great power and life. She spoke one hour and thirty minutes. She began like I did with the subject of unbelief. And she enlarged on it and went on and proved from the Bible that there was a God, etc. That there was a state of everlasting happiness for man beyond this life. And there was a place of endless woe and misery for the lost. And that all of us were hastening on to our eternal destiny etc. Many wept while she spoke, and all paid strict attention to her. This was one of the largest meetings we had held, I think. It held nearly three hours. After meeting one of the Friends told us that there was an infidel, who, sat on the second bench in front of us. And he said he was not surprised at the preaching that we preached that night. Not unto us but unto God alone be all the praise and honor and high renown forever and forever more.
-37- We took our seats near the appointed time. The house was soon nearly filled. I was led soon to speak on unbelief etc. I spoke for quite awhile; the life flowed freely. I told them I had a living call to England; and also to other parts of the British Isles, in the love of the gospel. That I came not for their silver or gold, nor for their houses or lands etc. But in love to them and their never dying souls: was my motive. Soon after I took my eat Ida arose; and took up the same subject in great power and life. She spoke one hour and thirty minutes. She began like I did with the subject of unbelief. And she enlarged on it and went on and proved from the Bible that there was a God, etc. That there was a state of everlasting happiness for man beyond this life. And there was a place of endless woe and misery for the lost. And that all of us were hastening on to our eternal destiny etc. Many wept while she spoke, and all paid strict attention to her. This was one of the largest meetings we had held, I think. It held nearly three hours. After meeting one of the Friends told us that there was an infidel, who, sat on the second bench in front of us. And he said he was not surprised at the preaching that we preached that night. Not unto us but unto God alone be all the praise and honor and high renown forever and forever more.
Pioneer Lives