Ida Chamness letters, 1910-1922
1912-12-03 Page 52
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-52- to travel to Europe, and go to the many meetings we attended in Norway and the British Isles. And being able to stand on thy feet and speak one hour and a half at a time; and at different times. It is wonderful: and I have often said, "Ida is fully prepared for this journey. And she is given to me for my leader and companion in these lands. I have seen the enemy beaten and driven back many times by thee, Ida; several times in North Carolina and in Europe. Ida, the God of Daniel has heard my cry on thy behalf; and given me the most sacred treasure this world can give. And that is thee against the mighty foe. I can but say, Amen to all His ways; they are past finding out. And to Him alone we will give all the praise, now and forever and ever. Ida, I have never left thee since I first became acquainted with thee through both good report and evil report. I have great consolation in reviewing our trip to Europe. And when I think of the sweet meetings we have had; and that bond of union that bound us together in the Gospel life, O I am sure there is a gathering into the fold of Christ; of the many precious souls of the human family; in Norway and Scotland and other parts. Now in the sweet communion and never dieing love of the Gospel, that has long ago bound us together in one bundle of life; that will never fade away I bid thee farewell in the Lord, with sincere and best desires for thee and thy family. Joel Johnson.
-52- to travel to Europe, and go to the many meetings we attended in Norway and the British Isles. And being able to stand on thy feet and speak one hour and a half at a time; and at different times. It is wonderful: and I have often said, "Ida is fully prepared for this journey. And she is given to me for my leader and companion in these lands. I have seen the enemy beaten and driven back many times by thee, Ida; several times in North Carolina and in Europe. Ida, the God of Daniel has heard my cry on thy behalf; and given me the most sacred treasure this world can give. And that is thee against the mighty foe. I can but say, Amen to all His ways; they are past finding out. And to Him alone we will give all the praise, now and forever and ever. Ida, I have never left thee since I first became acquainted with thee through both good report and evil report. I have great consolation in reviewing our trip to Europe. And when I think of the sweet meetings we have had; and that bond of union that bound us together in the Gospel life, O I am sure there is a gathering into the fold of Christ; of the many precious souls of the human family; in Norway and Scotland and other parts. Now in the sweet communion and never dieing love of the Gospel, that has long ago bound us together in one bundle of life; that will never fade away I bid thee farewell in the Lord, with sincere and best desires for thee and thy family. Joel Johnson.
Pioneer Lives