Ida Chamness letters, 1910-1922
1912-12-17 Page 60
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-60- of life in Norway than I have found in American in all my life. No wonder thou felt stripped and sad in the meeting in Roiseland; thy father not being by thy side. Thy poor father, how sad I feel when I think of the day of darkness when he was last at Woodland. The tears fell from his eyes when he saw them treat thee as they did; to act to the Lord's handmaiden, whom, He had sent amongst them to point them to Bethleham's star that led to Jesus. And whom they said was the instrument that added a quarterly meeting to their yearly meeting. The sun was eclipsed there that day, traitors followed traitors; and the Son of God was crucified. His Spirit was slain. And darkness has covered them as the morning cloud covers the sun. I have a hope that that cloud will pass away with the income of the refreshing streams of life; from that fountain of life that supplies and nourishes and enriches the faith, of those, whose foundation and hope are not on the sand; but, stand in the power of an endless life. It is alone in the doctrine of the inward light of Christ in the heart; that the early Friends ministered from. And gathered the people in large numbers into
-60- of life in Norway than I have found in American in all my life. No wonder thou felt stripped and sad in the meeting in Roiseland; thy father not being by thy side. Thy poor father, how sad I feel when I think of the day of darkness when he was last at Woodland. The tears fell from his eyes when he saw them treat thee as they did; to act to the Lord's handmaiden, whom, He had sent amongst them to point them to Bethleham's star that led to Jesus. And whom they said was the instrument that added a quarterly meeting to their yearly meeting. The sun was eclipsed there that day, traitors followed traitors; and the Son of God was crucified. His Spirit was slain. And darkness has covered them as the morning cloud covers the sun. I have a hope that that cloud will pass away with the income of the refreshing streams of life; from that fountain of life that supplies and nourishes and enriches the faith, of those, whose foundation and hope are not on the sand; but, stand in the power of an endless life. It is alone in the doctrine of the inward light of Christ in the heart; that the early Friends ministered from. And gathered the people in large numbers into
Pioneer Lives