Ida Chamness letters, 1910-1922
1913-04-14 Page 64
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-64- Joel staid away; and if Ida Chamness did not come they would get along,' (and carry out their plans) and he further said, "Ida if thee holds up for Joel all of thy influence will be gone in North Carolina." I was shocked; and let him know of my full unity with Joel; and how his ministry struck me with such life when I first heard him. And I felt to desire that the Lord would send him to Norway to my people. And that I might even go and help him in his work. And Cyrus said no more about it. I will give place to some of Joel's letters to me which will show the peace he felt for having made this visit. Ida R. Chamness. Mary W. Stokes would put her seal to this were she living. And my daughter, Pauline T. Chamness, puts her seal to it. Sad is the condition and downfall of that meeting in North Carolina since turning to fight against the servants of the Lord. I was told by the friends in North Carolina that Joel Johnson attended meetings in N.C. wherein he preached such powerful sermons on the fall of men; and his lost state; in which they had never heard his equal.--Poor humanity can't be trusted;--turn and deny the Lord to please themselves and one-another: well will it be if favored to repent. Forth month, 14th., 1913. Josiah Copeland, Dear Friend, I received thy letter, in reply will say if Solomon Barker had kept himself in his proper place until
-64- Joel staid away; and if Ida Chamness did not come they would get along,' (and carry out their plans) and he further said, "Ida if thee holds up for Joel all of thy influence will be gone in North Carolina." I was shocked; and let him know of my full unity with Joel; and how his ministry struck me with such life when I first heard him. And I felt to desire that the Lord would send him to Norway to my people. And that I might even go and help him in his work. And Cyrus said no more about it. I will give place to some of Joel's letters to me which will show the peace he felt for having made this visit. Ida R. Chamness. Mary W. Stokes would put her seal to this were she living. And my daughter, Pauline T. Chamness, puts her seal to it. Sad is the condition and downfall of that meeting in North Carolina since turning to fight against the servants of the Lord. I was told by the friends in North Carolina that Joel Johnson attended meetings in N.C. wherein he preached such powerful sermons on the fall of men; and his lost state; in which they had never heard his equal.--Poor humanity can't be trusted;--turn and deny the Lord to please themselves and one-another: well will it be if favored to repent. Forth month, 14th., 1913. Josiah Copeland, Dear Friend, I received thy letter, in reply will say if Solomon Barker had kept himself in his proper place until
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