Ida Chamness letters, 1910-1922
1913-11-21 Page 79
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79 glad we were there: but 'especially thee, Ida has done us all good.' (Four children were at home). He said, "As long as I have a home; thou, Ida shalt have a home when thou comes to North Carolina." And if I were sick, 'they would do all in their power for me' Pressing me to stay if I felt that way: and spoke of, 'what unity he felt with my min-istry.' Henry Outland said, when I shook hands with him: "I did not kick against thy exercises, --no, that I didn't, dear sister'; holding my hand tightly. Others told me not the be discouraged. And again; 'it is those that are faithful to the end that shall receive the crown.' Well, I will close these lines in much love and earnest desires for the salvation of the souls of men. Please return this letter to me when done with it, --will you please? as I desire to have it as a reference. I, dear Friends, how long shall we strive against convictions of conscience? The discipline says: "Let ministers, at all times be very careful to not hurt one another's reputation," and 'be watchful lest they hurt the services of oth-ers in religious meetings; and are exhorted every where to maintain a strict watch etc. against the subtle, and mischevious spirit of talebearing and detraction etc. Now, for such work to be going on as that of whispering amongst Elders, Over-
79 glad we were there: but 'especially thee, Ida has done us all good.' (Four children were at home). He said, "As long as I have a home; thou, Ida shalt have a home when thou comes to North Carolina." And if I were sick, 'they would do all in their power for me' Pressing me to stay if I felt that way: and spoke of, 'what unity he felt with my min-istry.' Henry Outland said, when I shook hands with him: "I did not kick against thy exercises, --no, that I didn't, dear sister'; holding my hand tightly. Others told me not the be discouraged. And again; 'it is those that are faithful to the end that shall receive the crown.' Well, I will close these lines in much love and earnest desires for the salvation of the souls of men. Please return this letter to me when done with it, --will you please? as I desire to have it as a reference. I, dear Friends, how long shall we strive against convictions of conscience? The discipline says: "Let ministers, at all times be very careful to not hurt one another's reputation," and 'be watchful lest they hurt the services of oth-ers in religious meetings; and are exhorted every where to maintain a strict watch etc. against the subtle, and mischevious spirit of talebearing and detraction etc. Now, for such work to be going on as that of whispering amongst Elders, Over-
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