Ida Chamness letters, 1910-1922
1915-01-31 Page 83
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-83 - First month, 31st., 195 Ida R. Chamness, My dear friend, and highly respected companion in the gospel of Christ, I received thy very acceptable letter last P.M. I was very glad to hear from you all; and especially that thy health had improved. O; such deep trials as thou has passed through the last year, in the loss of father and uncle; and other hard things. Then on returning home, in four days the small-pox broke out in thy family. These things are like cloud after cloud; and storm succeeded by storm. I believe they prove to be good for us in the the end. And yet, thou has much to be thankful for. That same almighty power above, who, made the heavens and the earth has been thy health, thy strength and thy refuge; and they safety through it all. And yet, I know thy hearth is tender and full of pity to thy father, beyond expressions of tongue to tell. My spirit has been dipped into sympathy with thee, dear friend, my companion in the gospel of Christ. I often think of the many meetings thy father gathered for us, Ida, - and so quick-ly when we were in Norway. And often there was an outpouring of the Spirit of God among us; to the refreshing of the down-cast; and the hungry and thirsty ones; that seemed almond ready to fall and faint by the way. I often felt it so when I was
-83 - First month, 31st., 195 Ida R. Chamness, My dear friend, and highly respected companion in the gospel of Christ, I received thy very acceptable letter last P.M. I was very glad to hear from you all; and especially that thy health had improved. O; such deep trials as thou has passed through the last year, in the loss of father and uncle; and other hard things. Then on returning home, in four days the small-pox broke out in thy family. These things are like cloud after cloud; and storm succeeded by storm. I believe they prove to be good for us in the the end. And yet, thou has much to be thankful for. That same almighty power above, who, made the heavens and the earth has been thy health, thy strength and thy refuge; and they safety through it all. And yet, I know thy hearth is tender and full of pity to thy father, beyond expressions of tongue to tell. My spirit has been dipped into sympathy with thee, dear friend, my companion in the gospel of Christ. I often think of the many meetings thy father gathered for us, Ida, - and so quick-ly when we were in Norway. And often there was an outpouring of the Spirit of God among us; to the refreshing of the down-cast; and the hungry and thirsty ones; that seemed almond ready to fall and faint by the way. I often felt it so when I was
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