Ida Chamness letters, 1910-1922
1915-03-06 Page 84
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-84- over there. I feel sure that thy father's spirit was purified and made white, in the atoning blood of the spotless Lamb of God. And, I feels sure in my mind that he has passed through the golden gate into the heavenly city; and his salvation is complete as a shock of corn fully ripe, in the heavenly garn-er: to go no more out forever and forever more. There, they need no candle nor the light of the sun, for the Lord God and the Lamb is the light thereof. There, the wicked ones cease from troubling; and the weary ones are forever at rest. These are holy high and sacred things for us to dwell on. But, they are the precious promises of God to all who are obedient to the manifestations of His holy Spirit in their hearts; where pure religion and undefill-ed before God alone lives. My spirit has wept with thine over these things. They pass on with the times; but lovely to feel the good effect they leave on our spirits: that sweetness that takes away all that is not pure before God. When man is prepared to live, then he is fit to die. I love the good spirit wherever it is shown in all. But the power of the gospel is beyond and higher; and crowns the preaching of the gospels. Joel Johnson. At home, Third month, 6th, 1915. My dear friend, and highly esteemed compan-ion in the gospel of Christ Jesus, I received
-84- over there. I feel sure that thy father's spirit was purified and made white, in the atoning blood of the spotless Lamb of God. And, I feels sure in my mind that he has passed through the golden gate into the heavenly city; and his salvation is complete as a shock of corn fully ripe, in the heavenly garn-er: to go no more out forever and forever more. There, they need no candle nor the light of the sun, for the Lord God and the Lamb is the light thereof. There, the wicked ones cease from troubling; and the weary ones are forever at rest. These are holy high and sacred things for us to dwell on. But, they are the precious promises of God to all who are obedient to the manifestations of His holy Spirit in their hearts; where pure religion and undefill-ed before God alone lives. My spirit has wept with thine over these things. They pass on with the times; but lovely to feel the good effect they leave on our spirits: that sweetness that takes away all that is not pure before God. When man is prepared to live, then he is fit to die. I love the good spirit wherever it is shown in all. But the power of the gospel is beyond and higher; and crowns the preaching of the gospels. Joel Johnson. At home, Third month, 6th, 1915. My dear friend, and highly esteemed compan-ion in the gospel of Christ Jesus, I received
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