Ida Chamness letters, 1910-1922
1916-06-04 Page 88
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-88- Sixth month, 4th, 1916. My dear and highly es-teemed friend, and companion in Christ Jesus. In the gospel life and purity; which flows from the sea of my heart to all people, I write to thee. I often think of ___ my poor advisers told me 'the time was not come for me to go to Europe: wait a year or two.' They were blind as to divine foresight; and dead as to Divine leadings. Just think, I was standing on the brink and narrow edge of time to make that Religious Journey. The cruel was has been raging four years; with her large Armies Patroling sea and land with her destruction of human life; and loss of commerce on the High seas: say nothing of immortal part; and loss of the never dying soul. Many times I have been made to trem-ble and quake; with the thoughts of these things in my heart. Ida, wonderful indeed to behold the unfolding of Divine wisdom; that brings to naught and con-fusion all the plans of men when they work against the Everlasting Truth. Poor blind and ignorant people, who dares to defy the Almighty and set bounds to His work? The questions now is, whose sight was clear in that case? their sight or mind? I did not go by that which I saw in the world; nor to be seen of men: I went to Europe from a sense of a religious duty,
-88- Sixth month, 4th, 1916. My dear and highly es-teemed friend, and companion in Christ Jesus. In the gospel life and purity; which flows from the sea of my heart to all people, I write to thee. I often think of ___ my poor advisers told me 'the time was not come for me to go to Europe: wait a year or two.' They were blind as to divine foresight; and dead as to Divine leadings. Just think, I was standing on the brink and narrow edge of time to make that Religious Journey. The cruel was has been raging four years; with her large Armies Patroling sea and land with her destruction of human life; and loss of commerce on the High seas: say nothing of immortal part; and loss of the never dying soul. Many times I have been made to trem-ble and quake; with the thoughts of these things in my heart. Ida, wonderful indeed to behold the unfolding of Divine wisdom; that brings to naught and con-fusion all the plans of men when they work against the Everlasting Truth. Poor blind and ignorant people, who dares to defy the Almighty and set bounds to His work? The questions now is, whose sight was clear in that case? their sight or mind? I did not go by that which I saw in the world; nor to be seen of men: I went to Europe from a sense of a religious duty,
Pioneer Lives