Ida Chamness letters, 1910-1922
1917-05-12 Page 91
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-91- bring that to me which no one else has ever sent me. Thou has the gift and power along that line. It is nothing more, nor less than the gift of God to me for my preservation and safe-ty in these stormy times, among traitors and hypocrits. O, I do feel, and have the tender-est sympathy; and still love the church of Christ that tender Bride, the Lamb's wife. She is en-throned in many hearts; and dethroned in many. Our hearts are the thrones either for good or evil. Let us make the tree good, the fruit will be good, also. Ida, my mind of late has been in the old country; with the people with whom we had many religious meetings; especially, at that meet-ing in Roinestad on the bank of the river. Where many people sat on the grass in long rows. It resembled those our Saviour had; when He taught them by the sea side. Many manifested their satisfaction with us by the handshake etc. These high and sac-red seasons are sealed up in my heart. Joel Johnson. At home. Fifth month, 12th, 1917. To my highly esteemed and dearly beloved friend in the gos-pel of Christ, In that life and unity of the living gospel; that holy bond and seal, that binds me to that which is sacred and holy; that I have told thee many times would never die; still holds sure and steadfast during these shaking times; when it seems the found-
-91- bring that to me which no one else has ever sent me. Thou has the gift and power along that line. It is nothing more, nor less than the gift of God to me for my preservation and safe-ty in these stormy times, among traitors and hypocrits. O, I do feel, and have the tender-est sympathy; and still love the church of Christ that tender Bride, the Lamb's wife. She is en-throned in many hearts; and dethroned in many. Our hearts are the thrones either for good or evil. Let us make the tree good, the fruit will be good, also. Ida, my mind of late has been in the old country; with the people with whom we had many religious meetings; especially, at that meet-ing in Roinestad on the bank of the river. Where many people sat on the grass in long rows. It resembled those our Saviour had; when He taught them by the sea side. Many manifested their satisfaction with us by the handshake etc. These high and sac-red seasons are sealed up in my heart. Joel Johnson. At home. Fifth month, 12th, 1917. To my highly esteemed and dearly beloved friend in the gos-pel of Christ, In that life and unity of the living gospel; that holy bond and seal, that binds me to that which is sacred and holy; that I have told thee many times would never die; still holds sure and steadfast during these shaking times; when it seems the found-
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