Ida Chamness letters, 1910-1922
1919-09-28 Page 94
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-94 - siege of midnight darkness. Ida, it was through thee, by the high Hand of God, my way was opened to Europe; yea, saith my soul; let us tune our hearts with high praises to the Lord God and the Lamb; for the safe arrival; and the good work; back home again safely; for ever and ever. I got a letter from thee for B.P.B. I sent it on to him. Yes, the great downfall at Woodland; carr-ies me back to the early church; when the apostle wrote 2nd. Thessolonians, first chapter, said these things would not be unless there was first a falling away from the Truth. We see the Early Church was warned not to be shaken by the storms of the wicked one, that leads people astray; and down to the chambers of death, where no repentence is found. Isaac Penington had a clear insight in regard to minutes. He feared the time would come among friends; when there would be a falling away from the Truth, and so it has come. He feared the body would become unsound. It has come not able to issue minutes in the Gospel life. My aunt Mary Johnson had a long clear insight. She has told me many times Friends were coming to nothing. Thy letter to Benjamine reminded me of what John wrote to the seven churches in Revelations. J.J.
-94 - siege of midnight darkness. Ida, it was through thee, by the high Hand of God, my way was opened to Europe; yea, saith my soul; let us tune our hearts with high praises to the Lord God and the Lamb; for the safe arrival; and the good work; back home again safely; for ever and ever. I got a letter from thee for B.P.B. I sent it on to him. Yes, the great downfall at Woodland; carr-ies me back to the early church; when the apostle wrote 2nd. Thessolonians, first chapter, said these things would not be unless there was first a falling away from the Truth. We see the Early Church was warned not to be shaken by the storms of the wicked one, that leads people astray; and down to the chambers of death, where no repentence is found. Isaac Penington had a clear insight in regard to minutes. He feared the time would come among friends; when there would be a falling away from the Truth, and so it has come. He feared the body would become unsound. It has come not able to issue minutes in the Gospel life. My aunt Mary Johnson had a long clear insight. She has told me many times Friends were coming to nothing. Thy letter to Benjamine reminded me of what John wrote to the seven churches in Revelations. J.J.
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