Ida Chamness writings on travel and religion, 1927-1938
1927-04 Page 2
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- 2 - from the acid condition the 'Ether' left in my system etc. The realization of all these facts after having gone thru so much suffering and expense to try to become able to care for myself, also fearing mamma might be taken from us by death, I became very much discouraged almost more than I could bear, and almost all hope of ever getting better was gone. Yet I thot "how can I stand the noise and strain of a long trip?" And, "where will I stay in the quiet?" etc. It all seemed so impossible to me. But to test me out mamma would tell me to just stay at home if I could bear to see them drive off down the road without me. I thot I could hardly bear that, but I did not say it. She also told me I must feel what was right in the matter for my self, that she would take upon herself no responsibility as to me going along unless I felt to go regardless of her feelings. I felt most inclined to go, tho my fears were so great, and I earnestly desired to do the right thing. One day in our little meeting mamma spoke that she had been reminded of when traveling in the little boats in the fjords of Norway, that to look ahead to all appearances the mountains came
- 2 - from the acid condition the 'Ether' left in my system etc. The realization of all these facts after having gone thru so much suffering and expense to try to become able to care for myself, also fearing mamma might be taken from us by death, I became very much discouraged almost more than I could bear, and almost all hope of ever getting better was gone. Yet I thot "how can I stand the noise and strain of a long trip?" And, "where will I stay in the quiet?" etc. It all seemed so impossible to me. But to test me out mamma would tell me to just stay at home if I could bear to see them drive off down the road without me. I thot I could hardly bear that, but I did not say it. She also told me I must feel what was right in the matter for my self, that she would take upon herself no responsibility as to me going along unless I felt to go regardless of her feelings. I felt most inclined to go, tho my fears were so great, and I earnestly desired to do the right thing. One day in our little meeting mamma spoke that she had been reminded of when traveling in the little boats in the fjords of Norway, that to look ahead to all appearances the mountains came
Pioneer Lives