Ida Chamness writings on travel and religion, 1927-1938
1928-06 Page 95
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-95- I only can describe in part The graceful beauty lines 5. A handsome lily pool we see A fish pond and a castle too, We hear the hum of busy bee As she visits the flowers not a few. 6. The wren his cheery song to us does lend As he flits from place to place, We call him our little garden friend As he looks us in the face. 7. His home is in a house of white Erected on a sweet pea frame, And he works with all his might To proclaim his fame. 8. Our bird friends pay us well For the bath provided, From their frequent visits we can tell, Their minds are not divided. 9. When we are tired, sick or blue We wander down to Lily Vale, Where we find a source of pleasure true Returning cheered up without fail. - by Ina at home Sixth month, 1928.
-95- I only can describe in part The graceful beauty lines 5. A handsome lily pool we see A fish pond and a castle too, We hear the hum of busy bee As she visits the flowers not a few. 6. The wren his cheery song to us does lend As he flits from place to place, We call him our little garden friend As he looks us in the face. 7. His home is in a house of white Erected on a sweet pea frame, And he works with all his might To proclaim his fame. 8. Our bird friends pay us well For the bath provided, From their frequent visits we can tell, Their minds are not divided. 9. When we are tired, sick or blue We wander down to Lily Vale, Where we find a source of pleasure true Returning cheered up without fail. - by Ina at home Sixth month, 1928.
Pioneer Lives