Ida Chamness writings on travel and religion, 1927-1938
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-7- the execution, which we did not witness; he spent two hours with John Mercer the last night, and he said there was such a heavenly feeling of peace and complete release from all of earth, indiscribable; he felt as though he could have staid three days and feel no need of food for the body. A wonderful instruction - he said it was one of the richest experiences of his life. Daughter, Georgetta felt the A.M. before John's death that he was already raised from death to life: John said: "That is true." I afterward claimed the body. After a solemn funeral at our home, the body was interred in our orchard, as John had requested. Lines left for us by John: "Soon the doors of this life will be unlocked and I will be free from the cell to live in life everlasting...Eleven more days and then freedom of soul: the wonderful warmth which is felt within. It was the warmth of this feeling that made me look deeper into the study of the Bible for which I am grateful for its comfort. I would like you to feel that I am looking forward to that day with much gladness and thanksgiving in my heart, for lo, there is no fear of this death so many dread. It is peace forever and forgiveness to all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Please tell all mankind this message so that they too, may feel as I do, and be brought to Jesus in prayer, for rightly they have been paid for. Oh, what a wonderful feeling it is to know or feel one no longer is
-7- the execution, which we did not witness; he spent two hours with John Mercer the last night, and he said there was such a heavenly feeling of peace and complete release from all of earth, indiscribable; he felt as though he could have staid three days and feel no need of food for the body. A wonderful instruction - he said it was one of the richest experiences of his life. Daughter, Georgetta felt the A.M. before John's death that he was already raised from death to life: John said: "That is true." I afterward claimed the body. After a solemn funeral at our home, the body was interred in our orchard, as John had requested. Lines left for us by John: "Soon the doors of this life will be unlocked and I will be free from the cell to live in life everlasting...Eleven more days and then freedom of soul: the wonderful warmth which is felt within. It was the warmth of this feeling that made me look deeper into the study of the Bible for which I am grateful for its comfort. I would like you to feel that I am looking forward to that day with much gladness and thanksgiving in my heart, for lo, there is no fear of this death so many dread. It is peace forever and forgiveness to all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Please tell all mankind this message so that they too, may feel as I do, and be brought to Jesus in prayer, for rightly they have been paid for. Oh, what a wonderful feeling it is to know or feel one no longer is
Pioneer Lives