Charles R. Clark letters, 1866-1875
1866-04-04 Page 4
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last Saturday morning [of?] [illegible] came in and [prayed?] for them [&?] broke [on?] of the [strings? [illegible] the piano. He has his [scholar?] dance for [us?] [illegible] I [guess?] he [thinks?] what his children don't know is not worth knowing. They go with [wagner?] mostly [this?] [illegible] for [this?] [illegible] all gone in [illegible] [is?] [of?] [illegible] [the?] [drift?] [or?] Mr. [illegible] [&?] Mr. [Whit...?] [wants?] [to?] [muling?] with sleighs [illegible] Sunday the council [at?] [illegible?] decided that the [seducer?] must come back and [illegible] [church?] and help sustain the prayer [illegible] [illegible] after they [left?] they [send?] their [deceiver?] to [him?] [in?] writing and [it?] [warms?] here [illegible] on [the?] church [booth?] [Alla?] Hall wanted it [illegible] could be [informed?] [wife?] [if?] they should ever find anything [illegible] but did not succeed. They had [illegible] at the [illegible] [&?] Church a [illegible] ago last Sunday and [illegible] Hall [or?] [Chase?] [illegible] preach [to?] them. I think they are [illegible] [short?] [pretty?] [illegible] [illegible] them [hank?] [come?] bad Mr [illegible] [war?] [wife?] and attended the council [illegible] [&?] Mr [illegible] [illegible] [Officer?] [Addrerr?] [is?] [illegible] [illegible] [illegible] [Fair?] [Laura?] [illegible] [illegible]
last Saturday morning [of?] [illegible] came in and [prayed?] for them [&?] broke [on?] of the [strings? [illegible] the piano. He has his [scholar?] dance for [us?] [illegible] I [guess?] he [thinks?] what his children don't know is not worth knowing. They go with [wagner?] mostly [this?] [illegible] for [this?] [illegible] all gone in [illegible] [is?] [of?] [illegible] [the?] [drift?] [or?] Mr. [illegible] [&?] Mr. [Whit...?] [wants?] [to?] [muling?] with sleighs [illegible] Sunday the council [at?] [illegible?] decided that the [seducer?] must come back and [illegible] [church?] and help sustain the prayer [illegible] [illegible] after they [left?] they [send?] their [deceiver?] to [him?] [in?] writing and [it?] [warms?] here [illegible] on [the?] church [booth?] [Alla?] Hall wanted it [illegible] could be [informed?] [wife?] [if?] they should ever find anything [illegible] but did not succeed. They had [illegible] at the [illegible] [&?] Church a [illegible] ago last Sunday and [illegible] Hall [or?] [Chase?] [illegible] preach [to?] them. I think they are [illegible] [short?] [pretty?] [illegible] [illegible] them [hank?] [come?] bad Mr [illegible] [war?] [wife?] and attended the council [illegible] [&?] Mr [illegible] [illegible] [Officer?] [Addrerr?] [is?] [illegible] [illegible] [illegible] [Fair?] [Laura?] [illegible] [illegible]
Pioneer Lives