Charles R. Clark letters, 1866-1875
1866-07-08 Page 2
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can't think of any more excuses to make. so you will have to accept these and if I can think of any more by the time you come. I will make them if necessary. now Charles I think your school has been done long enough for you to make your appiarance in this part of the country. and if I don't see you pretty soon I shall think that kind motherly "old maid" has made off with you. any way you must call here for your pocket handkirchief, & cornpopper, Well seriously. Father, mother and mary join me in cordially in viting you to come and make us a visit this vacation & I have an invitation from [his?] [illegible] for you to come out there. I have not time to write more now. and will close hoping to see you soon. love from all "[Nelly?]"
can't think of any more excuses to make. so you will have to accept these and if I can think of any more by the time you come. I will make them if necessary. now Charles I think your school has been done long enough for you to make your appiarance in this part of the country. and if I don't see you pretty soon I shall think that kind motherly "old maid" has made off with you. any way you must call here for your pocket handkirchief, & cornpopper, Well seriously. Father, mother and mary join me in cordially in viting you to come and make us a visit this vacation & I have an invitation from [his?] [illegible] for you to come out there. I have not time to write more now. and will close hoping to see you soon. love from all "[Nelly?]"
Pioneer Lives