Charles R. Clark letters, 1866-1875
1867-03-31 Page 1
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Plymouth Mar. 31st 1867 Brother Charles, We have been waiting to hear from you, but have not received a letter since I wrote last which was three week ago. To day is quite warm and but little good sleighing now, two weiks ago tomorrow they had to brake roads for the first time. Perhaps you noticed John Drake goes representative from Plymouth. The Republicans sit up Arthur Ward, and the Democrats with the Housten party so called numbering about thirty (illegible) John Drake and earried the day. John Langdon Mr. Nutting and Jacob Mirrill an the Selectmen, the first and last are Democrats. Washington George has no office this year and have heard he wants to sell. Louise George is at Mr Nuttings in Bridgewatir teaching his children. The town voted to raise three invited but we called it to bad for her to go out and George was invited too. (illegible) shut is full. (illegible)
Plymouth Mar. 31st 1867 Brother Charles, We have been waiting to hear from you, but have not received a letter since I wrote last which was three week ago. To day is quite warm and but little good sleighing now, two weiks ago tomorrow they had to brake roads for the first time. Perhaps you noticed John Drake goes representative from Plymouth. The Republicans sit up Arthur Ward, and the Democrats with the Housten party so called numbering about thirty (illegible) John Drake and earried the day. John Langdon Mr. Nutting and Jacob Mirrill an the Selectmen, the first and last are Democrats. Washington George has no office this year and have heard he wants to sell. Louise George is at Mr Nuttings in Bridgewatir teaching his children. The town voted to raise three invited but we called it to bad for her to go out and George was invited too. (illegible) shut is full. (illegible)
Pioneer Lives