Charles R. Clark letters, 1866-1875
1867-10-28 Page 1
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Oct 28 1867 Chas R Clark [illegible] Dear Sir In reply to your favor of the 21st a copy of our Hist of the U.S. was sent you some time last week while I was away from Chicago. I think you cannot fail to like the book. I will supply for introduction at 100 per copy and allow you 20 per ct for [illegible] of [illegible] and unable of selling. Hope to have an order from you. I understand one Chas Clark from Paseataquis Co Maine was in Iowa, are you the one? Yours very [illegible] [illegible]. N. Jackson
Oct 28 1867 Chas R Clark [illegible] Dear Sir In reply to your favor of the 21st a copy of our Hist of the U.S. was sent you some time last week while I was away from Chicago. I think you cannot fail to like the book. I will supply for introduction at 100 per copy and allow you 20 per ct for [illegible] of [illegible] and unable of selling. Hope to have an order from you. I understand one Chas Clark from Paseataquis Co Maine was in Iowa, are you the one? Yours very [illegible] [illegible]. N. Jackson
Pioneer Lives