Charles R. Clark letters, 1866-1875
1868-01-16 Page 3
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foundation for sleighing & it will take quite a thaw to spoil it, last Saturday it snow'd all day & yesterday & to day we have had an old fashioned bluster such as I expect you have out west, but this is the first we have had this winter, in some places the last snow has all blowed off down to the crust & in others piled into drifts we have one some feet deep in front of the house. We sent you a letter last Tuesday Ellah says she wrote you that Elvira Heath had bought the house where Mrs. West & Betsey used to live but that is a mistake she offered Mr. Little $1250, for it but he would not sell it for that. Silas Spencers wife's sister is with her this winter with 2 children ag'd 1 & 3 years her husband was killed in a
foundation for sleighing & it will take quite a thaw to spoil it, last Saturday it snow'd all day & yesterday & to day we have had an old fashioned bluster such as I expect you have out west, but this is the first we have had this winter, in some places the last snow has all blowed off down to the crust & in others piled into drifts we have one some feet deep in front of the house. We sent you a letter last Tuesday Ellah says she wrote you that Elvira Heath had bought the house where Mrs. West & Betsey used to live but that is a mistake she offered Mr. Little $1250, for it but he would not sell it for that. Silas Spencers wife's sister is with her this winter with 2 children ag'd 1 & 3 years her husband was killed in a
Pioneer Lives