Charles R. Clark letters, 1866-1875
1868-10-26 Page 4
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Monday eve Your father has been to the village this afternoon Vea Morrison told him that they had received only 2 letters from Jane since she left, they don't know how she likes yet. She wished them to remember her to Mrs. Clark for Charles was as kind to her as a brother could be, so she has not forgotten you if she don't write They serenaded Freeman at Acworth. The Band came up from south Acworth over forty of them Freeman said the old bass drum shook the windows they did not know at the middle of the town that they were married until the band came up they were married at the house where she lived which was the first house south of Robinsons store & they were serenaded there they had the minister & his wife to the wedding Mrs Gordon is more comfortable they have been quilting there of late 5 bed quilts I understood hired Mrs Stearns to help quilt - Gov. Harriman lecture at the village to night yours truly L. H Clark
Monday eve Your father has been to the village this afternoon Vea Morrison told him that they had received only 2 letters from Jane since she left, they don't know how she likes yet. She wished them to remember her to Mrs. Clark for Charles was as kind to her as a brother could be, so she has not forgotten you if she don't write They serenaded Freeman at Acworth. The Band came up from south Acworth over forty of them Freeman said the old bass drum shook the windows they did not know at the middle of the town that they were married until the band came up they were married at the house where she lived which was the first house south of Robinsons store & they were serenaded there they had the minister & his wife to the wedding Mrs Gordon is more comfortable they have been quilting there of late 5 bed quilts I understood hired Mrs Stearns to help quilt - Gov. Harriman lecture at the village to night yours truly L. H Clark
Pioneer Lives