Charles R. Clark letters, 1866-1875
1867-12-30 Page 2
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should burn wood enough to keep the kitchen warm some of the time and other things are accordingly. We have not had much since you were here and what we have we have had to pay for ourselves and lay nothing. I find that I need to knit feeling or contrive some way to get something for we have been hard times if ever we did I guess if you had to live with him this winter you would not want him to sell his farm for I think we should not have enough to eat if we were not on a farm. He has not had anything to do but get his wood this winter and that did not take him long as the boys helped him two or three days and the rest of the time he would sit beside the stove and find fault. He goes considerable but does not want nothing to go. He gives us all a rumaning over in awhile and you have to take it among the rest. He tells to what Uncle Israil told him to do and if he did tell him what he says he did I hope he will not come here to talk so again but we don't believe it as he tells so many stories that we need everything in writing When you come on we shall want a good many things as we must get things for the year to come as that is the only time to get things in year. The boys are now at work chopping the wood pile. They intend to do it all themselves so that he can't have that to fret about. They got the work along last fall so that he could live easy this winter but he would do better if he had to work real hard for then he would not scold so much. Col Flanders and wife are agoing a journey to (Ga?) I have heard that Mr. Hagen was agoing to stay at $900 a year
should burn wood enough to keep the kitchen warm some of the time and other things are accordingly. We have not had much since you were here and what we have we have had to pay for ourselves and lay nothing. I find that I need to knit feeling or contrive some way to get something for we have been hard times if ever we did I guess if you had to live with him this winter you would not want him to sell his farm for I think we should not have enough to eat if we were not on a farm. He has not had anything to do but get his wood this winter and that did not take him long as the boys helped him two or three days and the rest of the time he would sit beside the stove and find fault. He goes considerable but does not want nothing to go. He gives us all a rumaning over in awhile and you have to take it among the rest. He tells to what Uncle Israil told him to do and if he did tell him what he says he did I hope he will not come here to talk so again but we don't believe it as he tells so many stories that we need everything in writing When you come on we shall want a good many things as we must get things for the year to come as that is the only time to get things in year. The boys are now at work chopping the wood pile. They intend to do it all themselves so that he can't have that to fret about. They got the work along last fall so that he could live easy this winter but he would do better if he had to work real hard for then he would not scold so much. Col Flanders and wife are agoing a journey to (Ga?) I have heard that Mr. Hagen was agoing to stay at $900 a year
Pioneer Lives