Salina Saltsgiver letters, mid- to late 19th century
Undated letter page 1
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Glenwood Mills Co Iowa Dear frind o slina May the 18 it is with grate plesure that i set down to inform you that I am well at present and I hope those few lines will find you the same well slina we got out hir all safe as we got out hir last friday night I & we was glad to git out hir for i was very tird but it is the lonsomest place that i ever saw i have ben so homsick that i dident kno what to do I I do wish that i was back thir again if i was i bet i would stay thair we are staying with my sister she has a very
Glenwood Mills Co Iowa Dear frind o slina May the 18 it is with grate plesure that i set down to inform you that I am well at present and I hope those few lines will find you the same well slina we got out hir all safe as we got out hir last friday night I & we was glad to git out hir for i was very tird but it is the lonsomest place that i ever saw i have ben so homsick that i dident kno what to do I I do wish that i was back thir again if i was i bet i would stay thair we are staying with my sister she has a very
Pioneer Lives