Salina Saltsgiver letters, mid- to late 19th century
Undated letter page 2
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plesent place but still it is lonsome for me becose i dont kno eny one well slina has al you yet i want you to send me that song well i cant think of mutch to write to night fore the house is foot and i cant write thay bother me well i cant think of mutch more so i will bring my letter to a close and bid you to a good by for this time this is from your frind Mandy L smith to my frind slina saltgivers give my love to all the folks write as soon as you git this and tell me all the news
plesent place but still it is lonsome for me becose i dont kno eny one well slina has al you yet i want you to send me that song well i cant think of mutch to write to night fore the house is foot and i cant write thay bother me well i cant think of mutch more so i will bring my letter to a close and bid you to a good by for this time this is from your frind Mandy L smith to my frind slina saltgivers give my love to all the folks write as soon as you git this and tell me all the news
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