Salina Saltsgiver letters, mid- to late 19th century
Undated letter page 1
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littel [illegible] my [illegible] Mr. Al. Saltz giver lettel I sent my [illegible] Marion Clayton Co Iowa Sunday Eve Dear friend I now sit down to answer your letter which I recieved last Tuesday and was glad to here from you I am well and hope these few lines may find you the same. I am still staying at Amanday's, I do not know how long I shall stay here, I think you shoed your sense in one thing and that was that we should put off our arrangements untill spring. I talk of going to Wissconsin this fall. I am going to write to Pa this evening and if he will let me have monney to go with I shall start in about six weeks. I wanted
littel [illegible] my [illegible] Mr. Al. Saltz giver lettel I sent my [illegible] Marion Clayton Co Iowa Sunday Eve Dear friend I now sit down to answer your letter which I recieved last Tuesday and was glad to here from you I am well and hope these few lines may find you the same. I am still staying at Amanday's, I do not know how long I shall stay here, I think you shoed your sense in one thing and that was that we should put off our arrangements untill spring. I talk of going to Wissconsin this fall. I am going to write to Pa this evening and if he will let me have monney to go with I shall start in about six weeks. I wanted
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