Salina Saltsgiver letters, mid- to late 19th century
1890-01-18 Page 1
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Transcriber: Cutler Edgewood Clayton Co Iowa Jan 18,1880 Dear friend Salina Saltsgiver I seat myself this evening to let you know that I am still among the living and well I did not know when I saw you last that I was coming away I wrote you a letter some time ago and directed to west union and I thought as you was a going to move over on the river and I thought that West union would be your post office but have heard since that you had not moved so I will direct this to [Braynard?]
Transcriber: Cutler Edgewood Clayton Co Iowa Jan 18,1880 Dear friend Salina Saltsgiver I seat myself this evening to let you know that I am still among the living and well I did not know when I saw you last that I was coming away I wrote you a letter some time ago and directed to west union and I thought as you was a going to move over on the river and I thought that West union would be your post office but have heard since that you had not moved so I will direct this to [Braynard?]
Pioneer Lives