Andrew F. Davis diary, 1861-1862
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Feb 24. Ordered to Strike tents at 8 Oclock A.M. but did not get started until 1 Oclock P.M. Marched across the country until we come to the New Haven and Glascow turnpike. Encamped at sunset haveing marched 12 miles. I am officer of the guard and was severely reprimanded by Col. Wagner because I did not use more violence towards a drunken private who I had already gagged until the blood was running down both sides of his mouth. The country is good and quite well improved. Weather clear. Feb 25. On the march at 6 Oclock A.M. Went 2 miles and then left the
Feb 24. Ordered to Strike tents at 8 Oclock A.M. but did not get started until 1 Oclock P.M. Marched across the country until we come to the New Haven and Glascow turnpike. Encamped at sunset haveing marched 12 miles. I am officer of the guard and was severely reprimanded by Col. Wagner because I did not use more violence towards a drunken private who I had already gagged until the blood was running down both sides of his mouth. The country is good and quite well improved. Weather clear. Feb 25. On the march at 6 Oclock A.M. Went 2 miles and then left the
Civil War Diaries and Letters