Andrew F. Davis diary, 1861-1862
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snow this morning. This is the coldest day I have yet saw in Kentucky. Been blustery and snowing all day. We marched at 8 Oclock this morning and are making our way to Nashville. Marched 13 miles through a beautiful and well improved country. We passed one place today which was a great curiosity to me which wa a river of considerable size which comes out of the hill side and runs on the surface for about 300 yds when it takes a leap into the mouth of what appears to be a cave and entirely disappears.
snow this morning. This is the coldest day I have yet saw in Kentucky. Been blustery and snowing all day. We marched at 8 Oclock this morning and are making our way to Nashville. Marched 13 miles through a beautiful and well improved country. We passed one place today which was a great curiosity to me which wa a river of considerable size which comes out of the hill side and runs on the surface for about 300 yds when it takes a leap into the mouth of what appears to be a cave and entirely disappears.
Civil War Diaries and Letters