Jacob Harrison Allspaugh diary, Oct. 1863-Jan. 1864
1863-12-08 -- 1863-12-10
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(Vertically, at head of page:-) Find the road well guarded by troops in stockades. and cheerless place for even well men, Well in these dismal cars we were kept waiting until 10 oclock at night, We reached Stevenson at late where we lay until 3 then left for Nashville, Reached the tunnel at 10, having to wait an hour or two for extra engines to pull us up grade, Got along very slowly halting often but reached Nashville at 12 at night, Took ambulances for the Cumberland Hospital and were well treated, when we got there, 10th. Find ourselves in
(Vertically, at head of page:-) Find the road well guarded by troops in stockades. and cheerless place for even well men, Well in these dismal cars we were kept waiting until 10 oclock at night, We reached Stevenson at late where we lay until 3 then left for Nashville, Reached the tunnel at 10, having to wait an hour or two for extra engines to pull us up grade, Got along very slowly halting often but reached Nashville at 12 at night, Took ambulances for the Cumberland Hospital and were well treated, when we got there, 10th. Find ourselves in
Civil War Diaries and Letters