Jacob Harrison Allspaugh diary, Oct. 1863-Jan. 1864
1863-12-20 -- 1863-12-22 Page 02
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6 P.M. and quartered at the Soldier's Home Many of the wounds became worse from the severe riding Find the weather quite cool here, The Soldier's Home is, we find, a great blessing. Here any soldier can come, have his meals, an excellent bed, and his transportation brought him all free of charge, Accomodation for several hundred all the time, and the propretors all gentlemen,
6 P.M. and quartered at the Soldier's Home Many of the wounds became worse from the severe riding Find the weather quite cool here, The Soldier's Home is, we find, a great blessing. Here any soldier can come, have his meals, an excellent bed, and his transportation brought him all free of charge, Accomodation for several hundred all the time, and the propretors all gentlemen,
Civil War Diaries and Letters