Cary Club History from 1878-1969 - 1939, 1969
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10 Library Although the library in Marion was not built until 1905, as early as 1899 the Cary Club and other organizations about town had become interested in such a project, and in that year our club wrote a letter to Senator J. S. Alexander, a Marion man, then a member of the State Senate, asking him to promote a bill for the establisment of Free City and School Libraries in Iowa. In 1901 Dr. McIllrath was hired by the club to give a lecture in Marion as a library benefit. Many articles were given by club members for the rummage sales, held to raise funds for the library, and members donated thier services in conducting these sales. Chain teas were held. Marion Cook Books were sold. Money from our club treasury was given ($5.00) to purchase books and sometimes a books were bought for club study and later on donated to the library.
10 Library Although the library in Marion was not built until 1905, as early as 1899 the Cary Club and other organizations about town had become interested in such a project, and in that year our club wrote a letter to Senator J. S. Alexander, a Marion man, then a member of the State Senate, asking him to promote a bill for the establisment of Free City and School Libraries in Iowa. In 1901 Dr. McIllrath was hired by the club to give a lecture in Marion as a library benefit. Many articles were given by club members for the rummage sales, held to raise funds for the library, and members donated thier services in conducting these sales. Chain teas were held. Marion Cook Books were sold. Money from our club treasury was given ($5.00) to purchase books and sometimes a books were bought for club study and later on donated to the library.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries