Cary Club minutes, 1899-1918
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Marion Ia. Apr 19 1909 Cary Club met at the home of Mrs. J Brown. meeting was called to order by the Pres. Quotations from Elbert Hubbard were given in response to roll call. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. It was moved and sec'd that we take 50cts a month from our Treas to help pay Mrs. Fuller's board in the Marion Home for Ages Women. carried. Miss Mable Alexander gave a very interesting description of East Aurora NJ. was very much enjoyed by all. A [?] vote of thank was given Miss Alexander fro her part on the program Mrs. Gibson read an interesting Magazine Article. There were twelve members and two visitors present. Club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Alderman.
Marion Ia. Apr 19 1909 Cary Club met at the home of Mrs. J Brown. meeting was called to order by the Pres. Quotations from Elbert Hubbard were given in response to roll call. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. It was moved and sec'd that we take 50cts a month from our Treas to help pay Mrs. Fuller's board in the Marion Home for Ages Women. carried. Miss Mable Alexander gave a very interesting description of East Aurora NJ. was very much enjoyed by all. A [?] vote of thank was given Miss Alexander fro her part on the program Mrs. Gibson read an interesting Magazine Article. There were twelve members and two visitors present. Club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Alderman.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries