Cary Club Minutes, 1918-1923
Page 136
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136 Marion, Iowa. May 5, 1924. The Cary Club met with Mrs. McKean. Favorite quotations were given in response to roll call. Minutes were read and approved. A note of thanks from Mrs Davis and Mrs Reickert for flowers sent at the time of their bereavement was was read. This being the time for election of officers the following were chosen for the coming year. President - Mrs Brown. Vice President - Mrs. Winter. Secty. - Mrs Blinks. Treas. - Mrs Reickert. Mrs Pyle gave a very interesting account of "The Origin of the Seminoles." Current events were given and club adjourned to meet with Mrs Elson in two weeks. Lina Fernow. Sec.
136 Marion, Iowa. May 5, 1924. The Cary Club met with Mrs. McKean. Favorite quotations were given in response to roll call. Minutes were read and approved. A note of thanks from Mrs Davis and Mrs Reickert for flowers sent at the time of their bereavement was was read. This being the time for election of officers the following were chosen for the coming year. President - Mrs Brown. Vice President - Mrs. Winter. Secty. - Mrs Blinks. Treas. - Mrs Reickert. Mrs Pyle gave a very interesting account of "The Origin of the Seminoles." Current events were given and club adjourned to meet with Mrs Elson in two weeks. Lina Fernow. Sec.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries