Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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August 1948 YOUTH TEMPERANCE COUNCIL TO MEET The Youth Temperance Council will meet Monday, August 30, at 8:00 o'clock in the home of Ralph Allen at 538 Broad street. The President, Miss Doris Parker, will be in charge of the meeting. All young people are invited. SOCIETY W.C.T.U. MEETS AT MERRILL PARK The W.C.T.U. met at Merrill park Tuesday afternoon, Aug. 17th. There were about 35 present, including a group of the L. T. L. children under the direction of their leader, Mrs. Ralph Allen. Temperance Bible verses, by five girls; presentation of Junior Citizens shields and honor badges; song, "I want to Drive;" airport project, explained by Charles Sargent; speech contest for 6, 7, and 8 year olds; play, "The Cigaret Box," by Shirley Sevenbergen, Charles Sargent, Frances McDonald, Virginia Smith. Song, "Onward, Temperance Soldiers;" Junior speech contest, for 9, 10 and 11 year olds; rally song; announcement of awards; temperance pledge and closing prayer by the children. The speech contests were judged by Mrs. Pearl Jacobs, chairman; Mrs. George Phillips, and Mrs. Al Wilson. Speakers and winners were as follows: First contest- Audrey Criswell, "Some Kick;" Virginia Smith, "Too Stright to Turn Crooked," winner; John Savill, "The Clock;" Marilyn King, "Curly Locks Thinks." Second contest- Leota King, "Too Easily Hooked," winner; Darlene McDonald-Happiness: Real or Artificial?" Chas. Sargent, "A Little at a Time;" Joyce Wiley, "Second Rate." The winner in each contest was awarded a medal. Note books and the airport project were on display. A short business session of the W.C.T.U. was conducted by Mrs. McBlain, president, after which a bountiful picnic supper was served. MRS. ED LINCOLN, JR. HOSTESS TO W.C.T.U The home of Mrs. Ed Lincoln, Jr., was the meeting place Tuesday for the members and friends of the Women's Christian Temperance Union. Nellie Lincoln read the devotions and Mrs. Garnet Skiles reviewed the chapter in the study book. Rev. Donald Skiles talked on the topic "Recreation begins at Home," developing the theme, "The home is the place where the individual must first learn to have fun." During the business session, presided over by Mrs. A. W. McBlain, a program committee was appointed to prepare the programs for the coming year. The first meeting of the 1948-49 year will be held in September. L.T.L. TO BE THE GUESTS OF W.C.T.U The W.C.T.U. will meet at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday, August 17, at the west shelter home in Merrill Park. The children of the Loyal Temperance Legion and their parents will be special guests. The children, who have been coached by Mrs. Ralph Allen, will present a program of speaking which will be judged. At 4:00 o'clock there will be a pot luck picnic. Mothers of the children and members of the W.C.T.U. are asked to bring a covered dish and table service. Handwritten: The WCTU held their annual picnic for the LTL and their own August meeting in Merrill Park on Aug. 17. 1948. Mrs. McBlain had charges of the devotions which consisted of three songs, and prayer by Rev. Donald Skiles. The LTL children, under the direction of Mrs. Ralph Allen, gave the program, which was in the nature of a Speech Contest and scripture, poems and a playlet. Note books were also presented for inspection. Charles Sargent won first prize on the books; Virginia Smith, first in speech from the Primary group; Leota King first in the Junior group. Judges were Mrs. Al Wilson, Mrs. Pearl Jacobs, and Mrs. George Phillips. There were 16 adults present and 19 children. The offering was given to the LTL. No business was conducted. Submitted by Secy. protem. (?)
August 1948 YOUTH TEMPERANCE COUNCIL TO MEET The Youth Temperance Council will meet Monday, August 30, at 8:00 o'clock in the home of Ralph Allen at 538 Broad street. The President, Miss Doris Parker, will be in charge of the meeting. All young people are invited. SOCIETY W.C.T.U. MEETS AT MERRILL PARK The W.C.T.U. met at Merrill park Tuesday afternoon, Aug. 17th. There were about 35 present, including a group of the L. T. L. children under the direction of their leader, Mrs. Ralph Allen. Temperance Bible verses, by five girls; presentation of Junior Citizens shields and honor badges; song, "I want to Drive;" airport project, explained by Charles Sargent; speech contest for 6, 7, and 8 year olds; play, "The Cigaret Box," by Shirley Sevenbergen, Charles Sargent, Frances McDonald, Virginia Smith. Song, "Onward, Temperance Soldiers;" Junior speech contest, for 9, 10 and 11 year olds; rally song; announcement of awards; temperance pledge and closing prayer by the children. The speech contests were judged by Mrs. Pearl Jacobs, chairman; Mrs. George Phillips, and Mrs. Al Wilson. Speakers and winners were as follows: First contest- Audrey Criswell, "Some Kick;" Virginia Smith, "Too Stright to Turn Crooked," winner; John Savill, "The Clock;" Marilyn King, "Curly Locks Thinks." Second contest- Leota King, "Too Easily Hooked," winner; Darlene McDonald-Happiness: Real or Artificial?" Chas. Sargent, "A Little at a Time;" Joyce Wiley, "Second Rate." The winner in each contest was awarded a medal. Note books and the airport project were on display. A short business session of the W.C.T.U. was conducted by Mrs. McBlain, president, after which a bountiful picnic supper was served. MRS. ED LINCOLN, JR. HOSTESS TO W.C.T.U The home of Mrs. Ed Lincoln, Jr., was the meeting place Tuesday for the members and friends of the Women's Christian Temperance Union. Nellie Lincoln read the devotions and Mrs. Garnet Skiles reviewed the chapter in the study book. Rev. Donald Skiles talked on the topic "Recreation begins at Home," developing the theme, "The home is the place where the individual must first learn to have fun." During the business session, presided over by Mrs. A. W. McBlain, a program committee was appointed to prepare the programs for the coming year. The first meeting of the 1948-49 year will be held in September. L.T.L. TO BE THE GUESTS OF W.C.T.U The W.C.T.U. will meet at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday, August 17, at the west shelter home in Merrill Park. The children of the Loyal Temperance Legion and their parents will be special guests. The children, who have been coached by Mrs. Ralph Allen, will present a program of speaking which will be judged. At 4:00 o'clock there will be a pot luck picnic. Mothers of the children and members of the W.C.T.U. are asked to bring a covered dish and table service. Handwritten: The WCTU held their annual picnic for the LTL and their own August meeting in Merrill Park on Aug. 17. 1948. Mrs. McBlain had charges of the devotions which consisted of three songs, and prayer by Rev. Donald Skiles. The LTL children, under the direction of Mrs. Ralph Allen, gave the program, which was in the nature of a Speech Contest and scripture, poems and a playlet. Note books were also presented for inspection. Charles Sargent won first prize on the books; Virginia Smith, first in speech from the Primary group; Leota King first in the Junior group. Judges were Mrs. Al Wilson, Mrs. Pearl Jacobs, and Mrs. George Phillips. There were 16 adults present and 19 children. The offering was given to the LTL. No business was conducted. Submitted by Secy. protem. (?)
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries