Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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1950 May Minutes continued the next meeting. The President said an effort would be made to put temperance blotters in the public schools of the city this fall. A motion was made and carried that the Union obtain some posters. The same committee who had been appointed to obtain some temperance books for the children for the library was to obtain the posters Mrs Skiles and Mrs Allen were appointed on this comittee. Mrs. Allen reported that she was to have a movie film, "The Vicious Circle" to present to the public on June 9th Mrs Allen was given authority to obtain a suitable place to show this film The offering was $1.26 Adjourned to meet in one month Mrs M E Bartow Sec'y pro tem. 1950 June 20 Minutes The WCTU met with Mrs Renfrow. Devotions were led by Mrs [Pepoon?]. Salutes were given to the 3 flags Christian American and Temperance Our World Motto and yearly mottoes were given Topic for June is Bringing Christs Sunlite Into Dark Lives" led by Mrs McBlain Flower Missions and relief was the special theme. A letter of thanks from McCalls Mission in France was read. It was decided to send packages of clothing to japan Mrs Max Fleener to receive the clothing It was reported that Newton could not have entertain the State W.C.T.U. Convention this fall. A nomenating committee Mrs. Whitley Manson and Bartow was appointed to name new Officers for the new year Next meeting to be with Mrs Emma Fisher closing with prayer and the Benediction Mrs Parker, pro-tem 1950 July Meeting W.C.T.U. was held at Merrill Park Mrs Allen and the L.T.L's had charge of the program A pot luck picnic supper followed
1950 May Minutes continued the next meeting. The President said an effort would be made to put temperance blotters in the public schools of the city this fall. A motion was made and carried that the Union obtain some posters. The same committee who had been appointed to obtain some temperance books for the children for the library was to obtain the posters Mrs Skiles and Mrs Allen were appointed on this comittee. Mrs. Allen reported that she was to have a movie film, "The Vicious Circle" to present to the public on June 9th Mrs Allen was given authority to obtain a suitable place to show this film The offering was $1.26 Adjourned to meet in one month Mrs M E Bartow Sec'y pro tem. 1950 June 20 Minutes The WCTU met with Mrs Renfrow. Devotions were led by Mrs [Pepoon?]. Salutes were given to the 3 flags Christian American and Temperance Our World Motto and yearly mottoes were given Topic for June is Bringing Christs Sunlite Into Dark Lives" led by Mrs McBlain Flower Missions and relief was the special theme. A letter of thanks from McCalls Mission in France was read. It was decided to send packages of clothing to japan Mrs Max Fleener to receive the clothing It was reported that Newton could not have entertain the State W.C.T.U. Convention this fall. A nomenating committee Mrs. Whitley Manson and Bartow was appointed to name new Officers for the new year Next meeting to be with Mrs Emma Fisher closing with prayer and the Benediction Mrs Parker, pro-tem 1950 July Meeting W.C.T.U. was held at Merrill Park Mrs Allen and the L.T.L's had charge of the program A pot luck picnic supper followed
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries