Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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[clipping] ADD 17 TO MEMBERSHIP OF WCTU ROLL THIS YEAR The WCTU met Tuesday with Mrs. W. J. Stewart. It was reported that 17 new members have been added this year, 14 regular and 3 honorary. Mrs. Clint Jones presented a program on Frances Willard. Devotions were led by Mrs. Charles Whitely. Mrs. Floyd Stanley presided over the meeting and gave the study book. Two letters were read from persons in Japan who had received packages from the local WCTU. The packages were sent in November. The next meeting will be an evening meeting conducted by the honorary members. Rev. Whitely will be in charge. [end clipping] February Meeting Feb 20 WCTU meet at the home of Mrs W J Stewart, with 9 members present. Mrs Stanley our WCTU President presided. Mrs Whitely had charge of the Devotionals. The group sang Oh Master Let Me Walk With Thee. Mrs Whitley read mathew 25-31 to 40 for the Scriptuer reading. Mrs Clint Jones had charge of the program. She read a very interesting article on the Life of Frances E Willard. Her name still remains a memorial to all W.C.T.U. orgiizations. Secretarys report read and approved. Treasurer report read & accepted. Two Thank You cards from Mrs C T Gauntlett in Japan to Nellie Lincoln and Mrs Fay Stanley were read thanking WCTU members for boxes of clothing they had received. Mrs Stanley finished the Study Book the topic "Yale School of Liquor on [Sweeden?]" Collection 2.30 Meeting adjourned Eva M Pepoon Sec March Meeting The March meeting was held at Mr and Mrs Clint James. This meeting was conducted by the Honorary members of the WCTU. Rev Stewart had charge of the Devotionals. His scriptuer reading was from Psalms 107 followed by prayer. Then singing Jesus Savior Pilot Me and Jesus lover of My Soul. Rev Whitley had chg of the program. He read some very interesting excerpts from Fletcher Dobbins Book. "The amazing story of repeal" The Hostess served lunch. No business meeting was conducted. [clipping] Patty Pierce Wins LTL Bronze Medal In Speech Contest Patty Pierce won the bronze medal in the speech contest held during the Youth Temperance Council Institute Tuesday in the Methodist church. Patty's dissertation on "Luscious (?) Garbage" places her with a group with four other young people who are now eligible to compete for a bar. They are: Sharon Hughes, Carol Rickard, Alice Green and Leota King. Judges Judges for the contest Tuesday were chairman, Mrs. Pearl Jacobs, Mrs. Floyd Stanley and Mrs. George German. Other competitors in the contest were: Marilyn King, Nancy Rickard, Dorothy Caldwell, Marie Wilderdyke, Judy Kline and Marilyn Caldwell. A speech contest in the silver medal division was postponed. There was also special music and a showing of two films at the evening meeting. [end clipping] [clipping] WCTU Honorary Members Hold Annual Meet Tuesday The WCTU held their annual honorary members meeting on Tuesday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jones on Sixth Avenue. The program leader, Rev. Charles Whitely, presented excerpts from Fletcher Dobbin's book, "The Amazing Story of Repeal." The book tells of the interests of liquor businesses. Refreshments were served with Mesdames Pepoon and Whitely pouring. [end clipping] [clipping] The Youth Temperance Council will meet at 7 p.m. Monday in the home of Mrs. Ralph Allen of 707 Broad street. Since this is Youth month each member is asked to bring another young person with them. This includes those from 13-30. * * * The L.T.L. will meet at 4 p.m. Monday in the home of Mrs. Ralph Allen of 707 Broad street. This is World Friendship month and each member is asked to bring an offering for the Anna A. Jordan Missionary fund. Also pictures for the scrapbook which is being prepared for the hospitals. * * * [end clipping]
[clipping] ADD 17 TO MEMBERSHIP OF WCTU ROLL THIS YEAR The WCTU met Tuesday with Mrs. W. J. Stewart. It was reported that 17 new members have been added this year, 14 regular and 3 honorary. Mrs. Clint Jones presented a program on Frances Willard. Devotions were led by Mrs. Charles Whitely. Mrs. Floyd Stanley presided over the meeting and gave the study book. Two letters were read from persons in Japan who had received packages from the local WCTU. The packages were sent in November. The next meeting will be an evening meeting conducted by the honorary members. Rev. Whitely will be in charge. [end clipping] February Meeting Feb 20 WCTU meet at the home of Mrs W J Stewart, with 9 members present. Mrs Stanley our WCTU President presided. Mrs Whitely had charge of the Devotionals. The group sang Oh Master Let Me Walk With Thee. Mrs Whitley read mathew 25-31 to 40 for the Scriptuer reading. Mrs Clint Jones had charge of the program. She read a very interesting article on the Life of Frances E Willard. Her name still remains a memorial to all W.C.T.U. orgiizations. Secretarys report read and approved. Treasurer report read & accepted. Two Thank You cards from Mrs C T Gauntlett in Japan to Nellie Lincoln and Mrs Fay Stanley were read thanking WCTU members for boxes of clothing they had received. Mrs Stanley finished the Study Book the topic "Yale School of Liquor on [Sweeden?]" Collection 2.30 Meeting adjourned Eva M Pepoon Sec March Meeting The March meeting was held at Mr and Mrs Clint James. This meeting was conducted by the Honorary members of the WCTU. Rev Stewart had charge of the Devotionals. His scriptuer reading was from Psalms 107 followed by prayer. Then singing Jesus Savior Pilot Me and Jesus lover of My Soul. Rev Whitley had chg of the program. He read some very interesting excerpts from Fletcher Dobbins Book. "The amazing story of repeal" The Hostess served lunch. No business meeting was conducted. [clipping] Patty Pierce Wins LTL Bronze Medal In Speech Contest Patty Pierce won the bronze medal in the speech contest held during the Youth Temperance Council Institute Tuesday in the Methodist church. Patty's dissertation on "Luscious (?) Garbage" places her with a group with four other young people who are now eligible to compete for a bar. They are: Sharon Hughes, Carol Rickard, Alice Green and Leota King. Judges Judges for the contest Tuesday were chairman, Mrs. Pearl Jacobs, Mrs. Floyd Stanley and Mrs. George German. Other competitors in the contest were: Marilyn King, Nancy Rickard, Dorothy Caldwell, Marie Wilderdyke, Judy Kline and Marilyn Caldwell. A speech contest in the silver medal division was postponed. There was also special music and a showing of two films at the evening meeting. [end clipping] [clipping] WCTU Honorary Members Hold Annual Meet Tuesday The WCTU held their annual honorary members meeting on Tuesday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jones on Sixth Avenue. The program leader, Rev. Charles Whitely, presented excerpts from Fletcher Dobbin's book, "The Amazing Story of Repeal." The book tells of the interests of liquor businesses. Refreshments were served with Mesdames Pepoon and Whitely pouring. [end clipping] [clipping] The Youth Temperance Council will meet at 7 p.m. Monday in the home of Mrs. Ralph Allen of 707 Broad street. Since this is Youth month each member is asked to bring another young person with them. This includes those from 13-30. * * * The L.T.L. will meet at 4 p.m. Monday in the home of Mrs. Ralph Allen of 707 Broad street. This is World Friendship month and each member is asked to bring an offering for the Anna A. Jordan Missionary fund. Also pictures for the scrapbook which is being prepared for the hospitals. * * * [end clipping]
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries